AUSTinspire Holds Webinar on Introduction to Circular Bio-Economy

The African University of Science and Technology (AUST) Business Incubation Center (AUSTinspire) will on Friday, July 14, 2023 by 1pm hold a webinar as part of the center’s awareness campaign.
The webinar which has “Transitioning to a Green Economy: An Introduction to Circular Bio-Economy” as a theme would have Mr. Etienno Essien, Head of Innovation, SectraGreen as the Guest Speaker with the AUST’s Acting President, Professor Azikiwe Peter Onwualu, FAS as the host and Dr. Vitalis Anye, Coordinator, AUSTinspire as moderator.
You can join physically at AUSTinspire Incubation Center, School of Engineering Building, AUST, Km 10, Airport Road, Galadimawa, Abuja or online via
For more details on the webinar, kindly find the flier.